Coffee Making Secrets

Here are some of the 

Coffee Making Secrets for you take into consideration when

doing coffee so it will come the best coffee. The doing of a cup of fresh coffee it depends of many factors:

The type of coffee bean you are using. The type of roasting the grains of green coffee have being exposed. . . . → Read More: Coffee Making Secrets

Cacao as a Diet

We All Love Chocolate and think it make us fat, but do You Really Know How Great Chocolate is for You?

In the ancient Aztec and Incas times chocolate or ‘Cacao’ was sacred and was associated with fertility and love. It was considered a food for the gods and was used as currency.

Now, why . . . → Read More: Cacao as a Diet

Is it the fat in our diets that is making us get extra weight?

Are you ready for one of the biggest myths in the weight loss industry? Here it is: It’s the fat in our diets that is making us fat!

This common mistake is far from true. The fact is, your body needs fat to burn fat. Your brain’s fatty cells also need fats in your diet. . . . → Read More: Is it the fat in our diets that is making us get extra weight?

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